Thursday, March 3, 2011

What is the verdict? Good or Bad?

It's nothing serious if you are wondering what this is about. Hmm. Actually it could be. As long as you watch it, it'll be okay. It's all about coconut oil. Is it good or bad to use them in your regular diet? Can regular use of coconut oil actually lead to heart disease or clogging of your arteries?

If your ethnicity is Indian, i.e. if you are from India,you'd know that certain areas do their entire cooking using coconut oil. I use it extremely sparingly in mine. Only certain dishes call for coconut oil anyway. Some years ago I read it is high in saturated fat and bad all around. Then, I read that fresh coconut if used in chutneys is okay as long as it is not cooked over heat. Well, so I started making chutneys off and on. Next piece of tidbit on that was it is high in HDL and not so high in LDL. That's good news. So, I started using a little more of it and never worried about coconut chutneys in restaurants.

The latest is use it sparingly since it increases both good and bad cholesterol. If it increases bad cholesterol then it definitely is not good. So I am going to now back off and stay there!

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