Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dieting with the help of hormones, that's scary

I believe any kind of hormone treatment that is unnatural is risky.

I just read about a new hormone injection that curbs appetite and also helps women lose a pound a day. Also, lose the extra weight in all the right places. This is even available through prescriptions. The hormone generally given to women for infertility is now legally available for doctors to prescribe to women for weight-loss. Doesn't all this sound twisted in some way? That's because it is in many ways. For one, the F.D.A. recently received a report of a patient on this hormone who had a pulmonary embolism. The hormone carried risks of blood clots, depression, headaches and breast tenderness or enlargement. Isn't that enough?

Despite these reports why do women torture themselves and risk their lives. That's because they can lose the weight in all those unwanted place, not feel hungry, not obsess about food, have their body or think they can be in control, and, look fabulous. Who could want for anything more?

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