Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yey! We are doing it.

The government has finally sprung into action. There is a new dietary guideline in favor of us consumers instead of lobbyists. This I think makes complete sense.

•Eat lots more vegetables and fruits, filling half your plate with them.
•Choose lean meats and poultry, and replace some of them with seafood
•Consume mainly nonfat or low-fat milk and other dairy products.
•Choose low-sodium products and use less salt and salty ingredients in food preparation.
•Eat more fiber-rich foods; replace most refined grains and grain-based foods with whole-grain versions.
•Use vegetable oils like olive and canola oil instead of solid fats like butter and margarine, but remember that all fats have lots of calories.
•Eat out less; cook at home more often.
•Drink water, calorie-free beverages like coffee and tea, and 100 percent fruit juice instead of regular sodas, fruit drinks and energy drinks; limit alcoholic drinks to one a day for women, two for men.
•Eat less and exercise more to achieve a better balance of caloric intake and output.
Tomorrow I will post a summary of tips to be able to follow these guidelines.


  1. I still remember how the lobbyists twisted the previous admin's arms and diluted the changes to food pyramid. Hope this one goes well and carry the msg.

  2. Nagu,

    I think if this administration is really serious in helping, they will ignore the lobbyists. Michele Obama seems to be taking a lead and has been promoting healthy eating by setting an example. Consumers are foolish though.

    Businesses have gained control on what we should be eating instead of the other way because we have let them.
