Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tips for following guideliness posted in my last blog.

- Make notes of what you eat every day at every meal.
- Eat slow, eat until you are happy not full. Don't eat if you are not really hungry.
- Eat more beans, grains, nuts and less fried foods. Do not go for any modified starches.
Baked goods don't necessarily mean healthy.
- Less salt will also curb appetite and make you want to eat or drink less.
- Now, this is tough. When eating out go for two appetizers or eat half of what is served and keep the rest for the next meal, four hours later or for the next day.
- Some walking or movement of your body parts, not just the one above your neck could help a lot.
- Monitor your weight every week to see if you have improved.

I will start doing what I am trying to preach and will report back on my weight. If you'd like to you are welcome to share.

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