Monday, October 18, 2010

Not a favorite of eggs, but they come in handy at crunch time

I've been working hard and multitasking too much; which has become the way of my life. So, planning for dinner is not something I waste time on during some busy weeks. I create quick spur of the moment dinners which usually turn out to be pretty good.

Eggs are not my first choice but when push comes to shove, there they are. Scrambling eggs after cooking a mix of vegetables with herbs and spices always turn out good. Saute a good mix of vegetables with garlic and ginger. Then pour some beaten eggs over the cooked vegetables and stir a couple times in low heat. You may add spices such as dry powerdered cilantro, cumin, cayenne pepper as the vegetables continue to saute on the pan. Vegetables can be cooked prior to adding eggs and refrigerated. But do not freeze the vegetables. Frozen cooked meals are never as good as just made.


  1. Egg dishes I agree come in handy when you are at a loss or don't have the time.

  2. I have consumed raw eggs in a protein shake many times. Talk about a quick meal.

