Monday, July 25, 2011

Calorie Counting. Does it really help keep your weight in check?

I once was crazy about counting calories and kept a watch on the total calorie intake everyday. I do not count calories anymore but I think my body shuts off when it has reached a certain point after a meal. So, my intake is rarely excessive except when I am determined to finish my dessert. The point here is the mind can train the system to stop after a certain point, and after some time it automatically shuts off before the excess point.

I understand calorie counting will not necessarily help obesity. Obesity may also be related to stress, hormones, or due to side-effect of a medication. Does listing calories really help? Instead of calories can these marketers be forced to list exactly what chemicals have gone into growing, feeding or producing these foods, and which ones are genetically modified? It would actually make more sense.

I actually think calorie labeling is a marketing strategy. It's for the consumers to see what value they get for their money. For eg. the lower income group will probably look at it this way - Higher the calorie better the value. More food for less means a lot more value to a lower-income consumer.

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