Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wonders of medicine

I just read an incredible article titled, 'An Immune System Trained to Kill Cancer'. I have friends who either have cancer or have family members with cancer. I feel for them and often wondered how to help these people. I came across this uplifting article that talks about a new method.

Removal of T-cells — a type of white blood cell that fights viruses and tumors, then injecting the patient with new genes that would program the cells to attack the cancer. The altered cells are then injectd back into the patient. This has worked on patients like a miracle.

The University of Pennsylvania seems to have hit the jackpot by testing and hitting all targets and aspects of research to help a cancer patient recover and live a healthy life. The patients treated have been in remission for no more than a year. While it is too early to say here is a cure, so far the treatment has worked. The downside is while it has worked for some, on others the new gene has killed healthy tissues as well.

Can't wait to see how far this will go. Not sure what costs are involved but sounds promising for all types of cancers.

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