Well, I have written several blogs on this topic. Some of them are pretty harsh because I get angry with people who have just let their health go.
Some look at their own body as just a place to reside in and nothing more. On the other hand, the same people may have a clean, well-oiled car and take better care of it than they do their health.
Then there is the other group who are completely aware but just love food. They live to eat.
The next group falls under the category of those who use food as a comforter, as a punch bag to get out their anger and frustrations just because they have no one else to talk to.
To some, food is mere entertainment and that fun is never-ending.
Beyond all the above excuses which I believe are superficial in nature and avoidable there is indeed a serious reason why some turn to food. Several of these people have an underlying reason that goes deep down to their childhood and are quite often related to abuse, poverty, chemical imbalance of various kinds, or ailments of a mental of physical nature. Although some come out of these things, some people's injuries are too deep to zip out of.
I have changed my attitude lately from the immediate reaction of anger to empathy but have no answer as to how I would go about helping them.