Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Yogurt - morning, afternoon, night and any time in between

I can live on yogurt alone for days. Really, no other food is necessary. Not on store bought yogurt though which has a sticky consistency. Yogurt is so easy to make. All one needs is the very first culture which you can find at the store. Just buy regular plain yogurt to start the culture. The live culture/bacteria in it is necessary to create the next batch. You can then continue on endlessly to make new yogurt. See this recipe online.

The health benefits of yogurt are simply incredible. It is easy to digest and lactose-intolerant people will have no problems. The nutritional value goes on forever - protein, calcium, vitamins such as B12, B6, B2 and fat soluble vitamins A and E. Besides good yogurt also helps promote digestion and heals inflammation of the intestines. These are the things I have read about and am also speaking obviously from experience. I have at least a cup of yogurt a cay. I'm sure there are many more health benefits I have missed.

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