Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sprouted Moong Beans

Lentils, (several varieties are available in Indian grocery stores) are packed with protein and other nutrients. Lentils, called dhal in Hindi can be cooked in a few different ways and each type has a distinct taste. Read dhal recipes on my kitchen Web site. You may use any of the dhal recipes to cook sprouted lentils.

Sprouted lentils, however are more nutritious than regular lentils. The protein content is higher because sprouting magnifies the nutritional value of the seed. It boosts the B-vitamin content, supposedly triples the amount of vitamin A and vitamin C.

Moong beans are the ones typically used in Indian cooking. To sprout moong - Wash them in cold water, drain and cover them with a wet white cloth and leave the container in a dark spot of the house, I usually keep them overnight inside the oven. Note: Oven should not be turned on. Wash and rinse lentils the next morning and repeat the process. In about 3 days the lentils will sprout. Sprouted lentils can be eaten raw or cooked. Add them to salads, soups, casseroles or steam or stir fry them with other vegetables.

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