Sunday, April 18, 2010

What is healthy living?

What is healthy living?

Well, we can wish all we want, ask for the doctor’s advice, join the innumerable diet programs, blame it on genetics, kids, family, stress, etc. The answer to healthy living is simple. One may disagree, but I think so. I think the very first and important step is buying the right foods from the supermarket. Avoid any thing with added sugar. Avoid sodas, chips, processed foods, frozen diet foods. Diet foods have their calorie count on labels but did anyone ever look at the sodium content. It can solely do the job of sending you to the doctor’s and having you stay there.

It is also important I believe that we do basic cooking at home. Nothing fancy but cook with fresh ingredients. Not only would they be healthy but also tasty. The money we spend on buying the vegetables, fruits or meat can be savings at the other end from diet programs, doctor’s visits and medications. Of course, little bit of exercising would help as well.

Follow me on these blogs or visit my Web site at There are some simple vegetarian recipes. Join my workshop on May 22nd at Hillwood Farms in Media, PA.

1 comment:

  1. Vidya – This is exactly what I am hoping to learn from your workshop. Give me an introduction to simple Indian cooking. I love Indian food, but I want taste in simplicity.
