Friday, July 8, 2011

Where do I begin?

I realized a while ago that healthy living does not start by just visiting the doctor's office off and on. It needs to be part of a lifestyle just like having a meal. Do we ever skip meals? I would say hardly. At times we may skip a meal due to inconvenience but nobody really starves.

It is about making the right choices at every step beginning with the grocery store. Avoid buying the things that are the root cause of health problems. I would include in the list the following:

Red meat
Transfat products
Processed anything
Frozen foods
Extremly sweet cereals
Sugared juices

One may not be able to completely stay away from all of these all the time. So, reserve them for one to two particular days a month if you so crave. If mothers follow this, then the rest are easy. Your kids will never find junk at home. It's a big step toward warding off obesity. If parents don't follow a healthy lifestyle themselves, kids cannot be blamed.

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