Thursday, July 19, 2012

Where is your next travel destination out of the U.S.?

My answer is any place where there is safe food first and good food next.  Definitely not to countries where you've got to wonder about what's on their grocery shelves, if it has passed FDA regulations or is contaminated with things such as chlorinated sodas or food loaded with bacteria that glow in the dark. 

Some countries have low or no value for human life and everything is allowed for consumption even if they could kill you.  Just came across this shocking article while browsing online.  If you have missed it, it's a must read. 

Here is a country one can avoid, China.  Looks like everything should be banned because no food is truly safe.  If one would like to go on a crash diet then head for China. There'll be no food around that you'd want to trust. Live on protein bars, nuts and seeds taken from home and come back with more appreciation and less weight. 

But, is China worth it even if you'd like the crash diet idea?

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