Friday, June 15, 2012

Mushroom burgers filled with flavor

It will be a repeat performance second time this week -- this Sunday, ie grilled mushroom burgers.  This past busy Wednesday I decided dinner will be an easy one with no messy kitchen.  Well, I tried. The kitchen still needed as much cleaning as any other day but the food was quite easy and flavorful.

I did not have those fancy porcini, portabella or crimini mushrooms.  They were just plain old button mushrooms but fresh. So, here's what I did.  Diced them real tiny, then mixed some corn flour, diced onions, garlic and spicy green chillies.  Added a bit of bread crumbs, diced tomatoes and a touch of salt of course. Surprisingly they held together.  Rolled them out and flattened them to burger sizes.  Grilled for about 4 minutes per side.  Delicious.

If you like them very spicy, you may add hot chillie sauce while grilling and flip a couple times on the grill for a roasted flavor .

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