Friday, March 5, 2010

Buenos Aires for Those Who Shun Steaks

I read this article about the number of vegetarian restaurants that have recently sprung all around Buenos Aires. I wish I can switch the clock. When I was there in 2005 with my husband and son, we spent a good 10 days between Buenos Aires and Calafate. My husband had a ball eating the best beef and endorsed it as the best in the world. My son had it occasionally. Most of the time, I just watched them eat. There was hardly anything except for some bread for me to try at most restaurants.

As a true vegetarian, (not a vegan) I found it so hard to go for days without one really good meal. There was no true salad concept at the time. A few wilted leaves with an occasional tomato thrown in there for good measure were what salads were all about. We had a meal or two in hard to find Italian restaurants and of course one chinese meal. They were both excellent. Obviously, we were travellers and didn’t have the time to go to the same restaurants. It is a great country to visit and now with more of vegetarian restaurants and vegetarian choices at restaurants, food for me would be less of a pain. I would consider going there again.

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